Simple Past: Cours
=> Exercice Négation
Simple Past - Affirmation
Gap-fill exercise
Conjuguez les verbes (entre parenthèses) à la forme indiquée ci-dessus.
1. Jane (talk)
a lot in her childhood.
2. I (have)
cats in the past
3. My parents (call)
me yesterday.
4. We (play)
football last night.
5. Peter (try)
a new car last week.
6. Pamela (do)
a lot of sports in prison.
7. You (hope)
to find gold in your youth.
8. My friends (stop)
me just in time.
9. You (prefer)
to leave immediately.
10. They (order)
me to stay.
Affirmation: Cours
=> Exercice: Past Be + Ving
Simple Past: Cours
=> Exercice Négation