In which town was Shakespeare born?
- Stratford
- London
- Cambridge
- Oxford
Which river is associated with Shakespeare's birth place?
- The Thames
- The Tyburn
- The Avon
- The Seven
When did Shakespeare write his plays?
- 14th and 15th Century
- 15th and 16th century
- 16th and 17th Century
- 17th and 18th Century
Which adjective is used to describe Shakespeare’s historical period?
- Edwardian
- Elizabethan
- Georgian
- Victorian
Which noun is used as a nickname to refer to Shakespeare?
- The Poet
- The Playwright
- The Writer
- The Bard
What was the theatre in London that Shakespeare was associated with?
- The World
- The Britain
- The Circle
- The Globe
Which job did Shakespeare NOT do?
- Poet
- Publisher
- Actor
- Playwright
What was the name of Shakespeare’s last company?
- The King’s Actors
- The King’s Players
- The King’s Entertainers
- The King's Men
Who played the female roles in Shakespeare’s plays in his time?
- The actors’ wives
- Young boys
- Prostitutes
- Noble women
How much did Shakespeare write?
- 1 play, 38 sonnets and 154 epic narrative poems
- 54 plays, 5 sonnets, and 38 epic narrative plays
- 54 plays, 38 sonnets and 5 epic narrative poems
- 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 epic narrative poems
Where did Shakespeare retire to?
- London
- Brighton
- Stratford-upon-Avon
- Oxford
How old was Shakespeare when he died?
- 49
- 50
- 51
- 52