English - vocabulary - basics - Countries and nationalities
Exercices 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 -
region / country / continent | adjective | specific reference | generic reference | language | traduction | ||
français | anglais | un …………… | des …………. | les …………….. | |||
Angleterre | England | English | an Englishman | Englishmen | the English | English | anglais |
Pays de Galles | Wales | Welsh | a Welshman | Welshmen | the Welsh | Welsh | gallois |
Ecosse | Scotland | Scottish | a Scot(sman) | Scots(men) | the Scots(men) / Scottish | Scottish | écossais |
Irlande | Ireland | Irish | an Irishman | Irishmen | the Irish | Irish | irlandais |
les Pays-Bas | the Netherlands | Dutch | a Dutchman | Dutchmen | the Dutch | Dutch | hollandais, néerlandais |
France | France | French | a Frenchman | Frenchmen | the French | French | français |
Grèce | Greece | Greek | a Greek | Greeks | the Greeks | Greek | grec |
Suisse | Switzerland | Swiss | a Swiss | Swiss | the Swiss | suisse | |
Grande Bretagne | (Great) Britain | British | a Brit(on) | Brit(on)s | The Brit(on)s / British | britannique | |
Danemark | Denmark | Danish | a Dane | Danes | the Danes / Danish | Danish | danois |
Suède | Sweden | Swedish | a Swede | Swedes | the Swedes / Swedish | Swedish | suédois |
Finlande | Finland | Finnish | a Finn | Finns | the Finns / Finnish | Finnish | finlandais |
Pologne | Poland | Polish | a Pole | Poles | the Poles / Polish | Polish | polonais |
Espagne | Spain | Spanish | a Spaniard | Spaniards | the Spaniards / Spanish | Spanish | espagnol |
Turquie | Turkey | Turkish | a Turk | Turks | the Turks / Turkish | Turkish | turque |
Norvège | Norway | Norwegian | a Norwegian | Norwegians | the Norwegians | Norwegian | norvégien |
Scandinavie | Scandinavia | Scandinavian | a Scandinavian | Scandinavians | the Scandinavians | scandinave | |
Allemagne | Germany | German | a German | Germans | the Germans | German | allemand |
Autriche | Austria | Austrian | an Austrian | Austrians | the Austrians | autrichien | |
Italie | Italy | Italian | an Italian | Italians | the Italians | Italian | italien |
Belgique | Belgium | Belgian | a Belgian | Belgians | the Belgians | belge | |
Russie | Russia | Russian | a Russian | Russians | the Russians | Russian | russe |
Hongrie | Hungary | Hungarian | a Hungarian | Hungarians | the Hungarians | Hungarian | hongrois |
Inde | India | Indian | an Indian | Indians | the Indians | indien | |
Brésil | Brazil | Brazilian | a Brazilian | Brazilians | the Brazilians | brésilien | |
Australie | Australia | Australian | an Australian | Australians | the Australians | australien | |
Chili | Chile | Chilean | a Chilean | Chileans | the Chileans | chilien | |
Europe | Europe | European | a European | Europeans | the Europeans | européens | |
Amérique | America | American | an American | Americans | the Americans | américains | |
Asie | Asia | Asian | an Asian | Asians | the Asians | asiatique | |
Afrique | Africa | African | an African | Africans | the Africans | africain | |
Malaysie | Malaysia | Malaysian | a Malaysian | Malaysians | the Malaysians | Malaysian | malais |
Indonésie | Indonesia | Indonesian | an Indonesian | Indonesians | the Indonesians | Indonesian | indonésien |
Pakistan | Pakistan | Pakistani | a Pakistani | Pakistanis | the Pakistanis | pakistanais | |
Israël | Israel | Israeli | an Israeli | Israelis | the Israelis | israëlien | |
Irak | Iraq | Iraqi | an Iraqi | Iraqis | the Iraqis | irakien | |
Vietnam | Vietnam | Vietnamese | a Vietnamese | Vietnamese | the Vietnamese | Vietnamese | vietnamien |
Portugal | Portugal | Portuguese | a Portuguese | Portuguese | the Portuguese | Portuguese | portugais |
Malte | Malta | Maltese | a Maltese | Maltese | the Maltese | Maltese | maltais |
Japon | Japan | Japanese | a Japanese | Japanese | the Japanese | Japanese | japonais |
Chine | China | Chinese | a Chinese | Chinese | the Chinese | Chinese | chinois |
Liban | Lebanon | Lebanese | a Lebanese | Lebanese | the Lebanese | libanais | |
Arabie | Arabia | Arab | an Arab | Arabs | the Arabs | Arabic | arabe |
Arabie Séoudite | Saudi Arabia | Saudi | a Saudi | Saudis | the Saudis | saoudien | |
République Tchèque | Czech Republic | Czech | a Czech | Czechs | the Czechs | Czech | tchèque |
Islande | Iceland | Icelandic | an Icelander | Icelanders | the Icelanders | Icelandic | islandais |
Nouvelle Zélande | New Zealand | New Zealand | a New Zealander | New Zealanders | the New Zealanders | néo-zélandais | |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg | luxembourgeois | |||||
Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Afghan | an Afghan | Afghans | the Afghans | afghan | |
Cambodge | Cambodia | Cambodian | a Cambodian | Cambodians | the Cambodians | cambodgien | |
Canada | Canada | Canadian | a Canadian | Canadians | the Canadians | canadien | |
Iran | Iran | Iranian | an Iranian | Iranians | the Iranians | iranien | |
Mexique | Mexico | Mexican | a Mexican | Mexicans | the Mexicans | mexicain | |
Maroc | Morocco | Moroccan | a Moroccan | Moroccans | the Moroccans | marocain | |
Thailande | Thailand | Thai | a Thai | Thais | the Thais | thailandais | |
Algérie | Algeria | Algerian | an Algerian | Algerians | the Algerians | algérien | |
Egypte | Egypt | Egyptian | an Egyptian | Egyptians | the Egyptians | égyptien | |
Lybie | Lybia | Lybian | a Lybian | Lybians | the Lybians | lybien | |
Soudan | Sudan | soudanais |